Tropical Grade Rubber/Bitumen Waterproofer & Adhesive
Tropical Grade Rubber/Bitumen Waterproofer & Adhesive
A thixotropic Cold Bitumen Emulsion with added rubber complying with B.S. Code of Practice 102: 1973: “Protection of buildings against water from the ground” and B.S. 3940:1965: “Adhesives based on bitumen or coal tar” giving 10 percent rubber in the dried film. Formulated for use in hot climates.
Brown dries to black.
Between -30° and 60° Celsius (-22° and 140° Fahrenheit)
20 and 210 liters.
Minimum 3 months in tightly sealed, undamaged containers. Storage between 5° and 30° Celsius (40° to 86° Fahrenheit). RUB-PROOF should be protected from frost before use. It should be mixed before use.
On roofs only external F.A.A. rating for ignition, penetration and spread of flame when covered with mineral chippings or & FEB-FLEX solar reflective finish.
RUB-PROOF may be applied by brush squeegee or spray pumps.
RUB-PROOF is not resistant to rain until it has fully dried. Drying time may take 24 hours or more depending upon the ambient weather conditions. Generally, the product should not be applied if it is raining of if rain is expected. It is best to apply the product in morning when sun is out or in dry weather. In confined spaces allow ventilation or drying. Poor ventilation will delay drying times considerably.
RUB-PROOF is not resistant to frost until it has dried and should not the applied to surfaces which are frozen or frosted or when frost is expected before it has dried or generally if the ambient temperature will fall below 5° Celsius (41° Fahrenheit) on the day of application. All surfaces to which RUB-PROOF is be applied must and should stable and free from dust, dirt, loose debris, grease etc.
RUB-PROOF is bituminous liquid with excellent adhesive qualities which dries to provide a tough seamless, flexible waterproof and vapor proof membrane. It is used for treating:
Tanking and Waterproofing structure: to provide impervious water proof membrane on concrete and brick foundation, retaining walls and bridge abutments.
Floors: to provide a sandwich membrane is new construction and surface treatment on existing floors.
Walls: for interior or exterior walls.
Roofs: for the maintenance of many types of roofs including built-up felt asphalt lead zinc aluminum concrete, lightweight screed, slate, asbestos cement, corrugated iron, and as a vapour barrier in roofs construction.
As adhesive: for bonding wooden blocks and wood mosaics, insulation board, expanded polystyrene, cork tiles and to provide a key for plastering on difficult surfaces.
RUB-PROOF may be used to provide a vertical or horizontal dam-proof membrane on concrete beams and columns before they are clad with rendering, masonry or brick-work. The membrane reduces external efflorescence and prevents the ingress of moisture into the structure thereby preventing corrosion damage to steel reinforcements. Two coats of Rub-Proof should be applied, first at 2.0 square meter per liter, second at 2.25 square meter per liter. The first coat being allowed to dry before applying the second. When the second coat of Rub-Proof is tacky and black in color it should be well blinded with 1 to 2 mm (7-17 mesh) stone chipping or clean sharp sand.
Internal treatment with Rub-Proof can be an effective means of preventing the ingress of dampness. However, Rub-Proof is unlikely to resist exposure to free water or water pressure. Rub-Proof may be applied to damp but not waterlogged surfaces. Good ventilation for drying should be allowed in confined spaces. Two coats of Rub-Proof should be applied as with external foundations. The second coating should be blinded with 1 to 2 mm (7-14) mesh stone chippings or clean sharp sand while it is still tacky and Rub-Proof should be left to set for at least two days. Any loose material should be lightly brushed off using a soft brush and the interior wall must than be finished by plastering.
As a sandwich membrane in new construction:
Two coat at the specified rates can give a dried film thickness of a least 0.6 mm(0.024) to comply with the recommendations of British Standards code of practice 102:1973
On the smooth and clean concrete sub-floor the first coat of Rub-Roof is brushed at the rate of 1.0 square meter per liter and allowed to dry thoroughly. The second coat is than applied at 1.0 square meter per liter and allow to dry thoroughly. The second coat may be blinded with clean sand while wet as protection against foot traffic and to provide a good key for the screed.
The top finishing screed should be at least 50 mm (approximately 2”) thick. The Rub-Proof membrane must be taken up the walls to marry up with DPC. Great care should be taken to ensure that the dried film of Rub-Proof is not punctured or damaged. The concrete screed should be allowed to dry out completely before laying further floor covering.